Sunday, December 29, 2019

P2 - to Achieve P2, You Will Describe the Limitations and...

Task 2 To achieve P2, you will describe the limitations and constraints of marketing. Prepare an information sheet that readers of your article could access online. This information sheet should include: * Legal requirements * Voluntary codes and constraints * Refer to examples you can find (see This part of the assignment will be assessed as an individual report written about one organisation. Consumer Law Consumer Law is where marketing activities of the business must be within the constraints of the law. In recent years the European Union has strengthened consumer protection law. Businesses must keep up to date with legislation so that their activities are not unlawful Sales of Goods Act 1979 The†¦show more content†¦Voluntary Codes of Advertising Practice All marketing activities are also monitored by the independent Advertising Standards Agency. This is an industry body that promotes and maintains the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing. This is a set of rules and standards that businesses follow when marketing so they can keep within the legal framework. It also ensures to protect customers from misleading claims and it creates an even footing for advertisers. The principles of the code should result in advertisements not being misleading or offensive. If an advertiser breaches the code, the Advertising Standards Agency can insists that it approves any advertising before it is published or broadcasted. They can also refer the advertiser to the Office of Fair Trading or they can even ask TV stations, Radio stations or publishers to remove the advertisement from their broadcasts and publications. Pressure Groups Pressure Groups are an organized group working to influence the behaviors and beliefs of government and/or businesses. There are thousands operating in the UK and they will try to raise the profile of their cause in the media to raise public awareness. This can lead to negative publicity which damages the businesses reputation and its sales. Consumerism Consumerism is a social movement that is giving consumers some powers over businesses. It identifies the right of consumers to be safe, have a choice,Show MoreRelatedUnit 3-Business Studies Level 31729 Words   |  7 PagesRSA Academy BTEC Nationals in Business (Level 3) (September 2010 onwards) Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing |Route: |BTEC Level 3 Certificate Diploma | |Unit code: |Y/502/5411 | |QCF Level 3: Read MoreYamaha Motorcycles Is Innovation the Main Driver for Sustaining Competitive Advantage?21109 Words   |  85 Pages4 SUMMARY 5.2.0 PROPOSITION 2 – SPEED OF INNOVATION WILL SUSTAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. 5.2.1 BOREDOM 5.2.2 SCHEDULE OF CHANGE 5.2.3 SUMMARY 5.3.0 PROPOSITION 3 – YAMAHA IS INNOVATIVE 5.3.1 YAMAHA IS INNOVATIVE 5.3.2 SUMMARY 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.0 LIMITATIONS 7.1.0 EXPECTATIONS 7.1.1 PREFERRED ROUTE 7.1.2 RECOMMENDATIONS A. BIBLIOGRAPHY B APPENDICES I. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Child Abuse And Neglect Of The United States - 1175 Words

Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States David is a 10 years-old boy doing his homework at the kitchen table. The homework consisted of mathematical problems, a short reading and answer question, and memorizing the 50 Capitals of the United States. All the assignments for homework were due on Friday morning, so he quickly finished his homework so he could get to bed. Around 10:00 pm, David’s father came home from work, checked his son’s homework and saw many errors. He immediately went up to David’s bedroom and kicked open the door. Yelling at David, â€Å"You see this homework, you have many mistakes in math, your answers to your short readings are not correct and you did get all the 50 capitals right!!, you are worthless, stupid, and a big mistake of being born.† David’s father then proceeded to hit him with a wire hanger in both legs, and arms, the face and on his buttocks. David’s dad yelled again â€Å"Tomorrow morning when you get up, you will not eat breakfast and go to school hungry!!† David cried the rest of the night, hurting in pain, then eventually falling asleep. Child abuse and neglect is a big problem in the United States. Child abuse is sexual, physical, emotional, and even verbal maltreatment towards the children. When food, clothing, and shelter is not provided this is termed neglect. Many children in the United States are abused and neglected by parents, grandparents, guardians, and friends of the family. Many children suffer abuse such as beating, starved,Show MoreRelatedChild Abuse And Neglect Within The United States2211 Words   |  9 Pagesilluminate the four main types of child abuse that exist within the United States. It also discusses some of the effects of abuse and attempts to offer some solutions for this very prevalent societal problem. The definitions of child abuse and neglect vary, based on the context in which they have been studied. Some studies suggest that neglect is the most prevalent type of child abuse in this country. Kaplan, Schene, DePanfilis, and Gilmore assert that neglect becomes chronic when its occurrenceRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Of The United States That Should Demand Direct Attention Essay1187 Words   |  5 PagesStatement Child abuse and neglect is a significant problem in the United States that should demand direct attention. There are approximately three million child abuse reports made each year, and these reports involve more than six million children. Out of four to five children that die daily, 70 percent are under three years of age. There are 90 percent of cases involving of children who know who know their perpetrator. The main factors of child abuse are physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. In manyRead MoreHistory of Child Abuse1113 Words   |  5 PagesHistory of child abuse BSHS/408 February 15 2016 Chiffone N Shelton Abstract In order to discuss child abuse and neglect it is important to have a clear understanding of what child abuse and neglect is and the different form of child abuse. How the various types of child abuse and neglect are different from one another, ill-treatment of children comes in many forms, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional ill-treatment, and child neglect. Child neglect comes in many forms and occurs whenRead MoreNature and Social problems1091 Words   |  5 PagesSocial of the Social Problem Child abuse and neglect has been a prevalent problem throughout history and although progress has been made, it continues to till today. Children are subjected to the treatment of the adults surrounding them and have limited capacity to make their own decisions and protect themselves. Children are often defenseless and end up being taken advantage of and this can lead to abuse and neglect, including sexual, psychological, and physical abuse that cause short-term and long-termRead MoreChildren Should Be Raised Surrounded By Attention, Affection, Support, And With All Their Parents964 Words   |  4 Pagespainful but real to accept that a great percentage of the child population, suffers the most common act of violence from their parents, which is called neglect. This type of abuse is the most common and the deepest, in terms of consequences that a child may suffer, creating a future adult with emotional disbalance, which is a big and sad problem for our society’s developmentà ‚     Child Neglect is a horrible thing that occurs in the United States everyday. Millions of children are refused food, shelterRead MoreChild Neglect Within The United States1707 Words   |  7 PagesChild neglect refers to the continued failure to offer a child with the necessary protection, and care. Such protection and attention involve the necessities such as food, medical care, clothing, as well as shelter (Conte 7). In addition, lack of proper supervision for the young children for an extended duration of time is also child neglect. There are various signs of possible neglect. These include; inconsistent school attendance, evidence that health care is not being provided for in a child,Read MoreAbuse993 Words   |  4 PagesChild Neglect 1 Running Head: CHILD NEGLECT Child Neglect Sahar Taki American University of Culture and Education Eng 260 Child Neglect 2 Abstract Study results found evidence that the apparent negative effects of maltreatment on children’s tendency to engage in crime were real. 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The majority of kids who get abused are mostly 3 years or younger (77 percent ). The United States has one of the worst records, losing on average of 3-7 kids everyday to child abuse or neglect. Throughout the year there are referrals to the state child protective services that involve 6.6 million children, and about 3.2 million of the children are subject to an investigatedRead MoreChild Abuse And The United States Department Of Health And Human Services1509 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Child Abuse There is not one specific type of child abuse in fact there are more than one form of child mistreatment such as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Before going into further details of the problems and treatment of child abuse; one must know what child abuse is. The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides a standard legal definition of child abuse, CAPTA (2010) states: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent

Friday, December 13, 2019

3.01 Cell Division Free Essays

StageNumber of Cells in Part 1Number of Cells in Part 2 Interphase119 Prophase74 Metaphase53 Anaphase97 Telophase43 Cytokinesis22 Create a Graph that represents the time spent in each stage of the cell cycle. StageTime Spent in the 1st stageTime spent in the 2nd stage Interphase21%25% Metaphase13%7% Anaphase9%16% Telophase19%18% Cytokinesis20%23% 18%11% Hypothesis After researching, I predicted that I would see different numbers of cells (which are the bubbles or the circles in all the different stages). I got some pictures from a website and I knew what to do, and how to tell how many cells are in each stage after staining the onion root tip. We will write a custom essay sample on 3.01 Cell Division or any similar topic only for you Order Now Procedure I did this project all on my own. I had to wait one day to get the microscope, I then got the onion root tip and sliced it into small pieces. I stained the root with red food coloring to make it more visible, and then placed it between two glass slides to make it clear. I then waited for the cycle to finish. It took me about 25-35 minutes to finish the whole cycle including preparing and cleaning up. I then recorded my data in a table that explains all the numbers of cells I found in all different stages. Conclusion This project was lot of fun! It was my first time using a microscope by myself, and I loved looking at the cells and counting them during their different stages. After I had waited for all the stages, I recorded the number of cells found. I did my experiment on two different pieces of onions. The time between both were not similar, because there indeed was a difference between all of them. I saw the nucleus and all the cells moving and transforming between the stages. I really did understand the processes more than when I had read it. How to cite 3.01 Cell Division, Papers 3.01 Cell Division Free Essays StageNumber of Cells in Part 1Number of Cells in Part 2 Interphase119 Prophase74 Metaphase53 Anaphase97 Telophase43 Cytokinesis22 Create a Graph that represents the time spent in each stage of the cell cycle. StageTime Spent in the 1st stageTime spent in the 2nd stage Interphase21%25% Metaphase13%7% Anaphase9%16% Telophase19%18% Cytokinesis20%23% 18%11% Hypothesis After researching, I predicted that I would see different numbers of cells (which are the bubbles or the circles in all the different stages). I got some pictures from a website and I knew what to do, and how to tell how many cells are in each stage after staining the onion root tip. We will write a custom essay sample on 3.01 Cell Division or any similar topic only for you Order Now Procedure I did this project all on my own. I had to wait one day to get the microscope, I then got the onion root tip and sliced it into small pieces. I stained the root with red food coloring to make it more visible, and then placed it between two glass slides to make it clear. I then waited for the cycle to finish. It took me about 25-35 minutes to finish the whole cycle including preparing and cleaning up. I then recorded my data in a table that explains all the numbers of cells I found in all different stages. Conclusion This project was lot of fun! It was my first time using a microscope by myself, and I loved looking at the cells and counting them during their different stages. After I had waited for all the stages, I recorded the number of cells found. I did my experiment on two different pieces of onions. The time between both were not similar, because there indeed was a difference between all of them. I saw the nucleus and all the cells moving and transforming between the stages. I really did understand the processes more than when I had read it. How to cite 3.01 Cell Division, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Definition of Originality free essay sample

She thought that her life, her work was plagiarized by Lavery. Then she wanted to sue Frozen’s author. However, in â€Å"The New Yorker†, Gladwell disagreed with Lewis since Lavery just borrowed some interesting details from her then add ideas, works, etc. You might find many mistakes like this in life. People sue each other when their copyright is breached with a vague understanding about originality. However, the result they get is nothing. So what is the good way to avoid wasting our money and our time? A correct definition of originality is the answer. No one is the real creator. Originality is made by relying on other earlier acceptable facts; in other words, combining ideas and explanations about them are the main characteristics of originality. A suit was happened between McDonald’s and a food store in Malaysia. McDonald’s sued this store’s owner because he used Mc for his store’s name: McCurry. We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of Originality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the end, McDonald’s lose in this suit due to two reasons. One is that McDonald’s main products are hamburgers while McCurry sells the traditional Indian food; they are completely different so consumers wouldn’t have any mistake in order to distinguish these two stores. Two is that Mc in McCurry means â€Å"Malaysia chicken†; McDonald’s can’t make monopoly of the word â€Å"Mc†. The Malaysia food store’s owner combined Mc with Curry to make a new meaning that his store serves Malaysian chicken curry in Indian style with the fast way. Then the price that the king of fast food had to pay is $2,900 for the misunderstanding of originality’s meaning. People always think that originality means ideas that are made by creator and are not thought up by another person beforehand. But this thought is wrong. If it is corrected, no more mistakes would make human life being difficult. Nothing is created without basing on the earlier acceptable notions. In â€Å"Intertextuality and Discourse Community†, Porter stated that the creative writer is the creative borrower (37). What creator borrow is not important; only the new meanings which are got out from the earlier notions are matter. The Declaration of Jefferson could illustrate well this idea. From that Jefferson’s writing, people can found out many traces from other document such as: First Continental Congress resolution, a Massachusetts Council declaration, etc. And, He linked these effective traces together, then, expressed his idea about the basic human right to others. Everyone does still respect Jefferson’s Declaration because the meanings of his works are meaningful to not only the American but also the foreigners. According to his originality – his borrowing creativity- a clearly definition of basic human right help everyone understand correctly what right they must have and fight for. My experience can also be a good example. When I was sixteen, I created a weird party to cure one of my best friend’s broken-heart. It was Pajamas Party. What will you think about whenever hearing that party’s name? A party would be organized in bedroom, in night, with close friends; everyone would wear their pajamas, enjoy the scary movies, and share secrets. I come up with those ideas and added some more details to make it more interesting and unique. Candles are one of my new key for my Pajamas party. Look around and you can find out that candles could become the best choices for the spas. They uses candle to help their therapy more effective and their customers could feel completely relax. With beautiful smell, they are the good therapy to reduce the stress. Pajamas are the most comfortable cloth for human. Soft materials are always chosen to make the pajamas. Then they help our body feel completely free so our mind could be rested very easily. Moreover, time also plays an important role in my plan. From the beginning of the evening to the night, human cells stay in the most relaxing state that’s why people’s mind always easygoing after a hard-working day. Then I combined all of these ideas – night, bedroom, pajamas, music, scary movies, and candles- to make a perfect new originality for my friend. It became a good bandage for her broken heart at that time. Thus, originality is a creative borrowing. None is built up without foundation. Once again, in â€Å"Intertextuality and Discourse Community†, Porter underlined â€Å"Creativeness does not consist in producing new sentences† (37). Originality is not made by any individual. As I said in one of my example above, the ideas of Pajamas party come from my experience in life. I put them together and create a perfect originality for myself. That’s how origin is made up. In other words, human made the originality, then, by adding some ideas, individual creators make the new meanings, the new originality. People, nowadays, need to know how to understand the new meaning from creators’ work and stop judge their borrowing.