Sunday, December 29, 2019

P2 - to Achieve P2, You Will Describe the Limitations and...

Task 2 To achieve P2, you will describe the limitations and constraints of marketing. Prepare an information sheet that readers of your article could access online. This information sheet should include: * Legal requirements * Voluntary codes and constraints * Refer to examples you can find (see This part of the assignment will be assessed as an individual report written about one organisation. Consumer Law Consumer Law is where marketing activities of the business must be within the constraints of the law. In recent years the European Union has strengthened consumer protection law. Businesses must keep up to date with legislation so that their activities are not unlawful Sales of Goods Act 1979 The†¦show more content†¦Voluntary Codes of Advertising Practice All marketing activities are also monitored by the independent Advertising Standards Agency. This is an industry body that promotes and maintains the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing. This is a set of rules and standards that businesses follow when marketing so they can keep within the legal framework. It also ensures to protect customers from misleading claims and it creates an even footing for advertisers. The principles of the code should result in advertisements not being misleading or offensive. If an advertiser breaches the code, the Advertising Standards Agency can insists that it approves any advertising before it is published or broadcasted. They can also refer the advertiser to the Office of Fair Trading or they can even ask TV stations, Radio stations or publishers to remove the advertisement from their broadcasts and publications. Pressure Groups Pressure Groups are an organized group working to influence the behaviors and beliefs of government and/or businesses. There are thousands operating in the UK and they will try to raise the profile of their cause in the media to raise public awareness. This can lead to negative publicity which damages the businesses reputation and its sales. Consumerism Consumerism is a social movement that is giving consumers some powers over businesses. It identifies the right of consumers to be safe, have a choice,Show MoreRelatedUnit 3-Business Studies Level 31729 Words   |  7 PagesRSA Academy BTEC Nationals in Business (Level 3) (September 2010 onwards) Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing |Route: |BTEC Level 3 Certificate Diploma | |Unit code: |Y/502/5411 | |QCF Level 3: Read MoreYamaha Motorcycles Is Innovation the Main Driver for Sustaining Competitive Advantage?21109 Words   |  85 Pages4 SUMMARY 5.2.0 PROPOSITION 2 – SPEED OF INNOVATION WILL SUSTAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. 5.2.1 BOREDOM 5.2.2 SCHEDULE OF CHANGE 5.2.3 SUMMARY 5.3.0 PROPOSITION 3 – YAMAHA IS INNOVATIVE 5.3.1 YAMAHA IS INNOVATIVE 5.3.2 SUMMARY 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.0 LIMITATIONS 7.1.0 EXPECTATIONS 7.1.1 PREFERRED ROUTE 7.1.2 RECOMMENDATIONS A. BIBLIOGRAPHY B APPENDICES I. 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