Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Early Childhood Education Guiding the Behavior of...

Early Childhood Education teachers know that our children deserve to learn the important lessons from us and to acquire important habits with our help. Teachers and future teachers want our children to grow up to be responsible adults. Also, teachers are trying to find the perfect way to deal with children with different type of behavior. Teachers have to deal with parents, giving them a satisfactory result of their child developmental progress and security. My philosophy of guiding young children behavior is to use the combination of collaboration, positive attitude, and patience. Self control is important to teach to children because they learn the concept of courage, honesty, deal effectively with emotions, such as anger, and to†¦show more content†¦This is a big problem when teachers don’t put attention to children. Instead of teaching them how to use self control we are creating negative behavior, because we as teacher are not telling the child how to solve an argument. A good guidance is to know how to talk and explain the entire class that respect it is important and we should give to others. Repeat the rules over and over again it is important and helpful for the children to not to forget about them, and everybody in the class is supposed to followed them. Another important point is the collaboration from parents if they want to their child to be success in school and in their future they are supposed to correct their child. Sometimes parents think that their children are angels and it is impossible for them to misbehave, but unfortunately when they misbehave and the teacher tells the parent, some of them don’t believe the teacher and this creates more work for the teacher because she is the one who is dealing with the kid. In the other hand the collaboration of the children it is important too, because it helps to the teacher to have a calm classroom. For example: if Jonnie started to jump up and down from the chair an d the teacher said if you sit for ten minutes I will give you a surprise. The child will do it because of his curiosity, and that positive reinforcement, encouragement, offering choices, redirection, limiting setting, and joint problem solving are the most effective tools ofShow MoreRelatedThe Principles Of The Early Childhood Education Program972 Words   |  4 Pagespurposeful, well informed, and ethical. Applicants must write a double-spaced statement of no more than three pages. The student should demonstrate deep thinking about the three guiding principles of the Early Childhood Education program listed above. Ideally, applicants will write about personal, academic, and work experiences that illustrate their commitments to the three guiding principles. 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